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CCPD is a certified MCLE provider. We offer regular training seminars for our staff that cover legal issues in each of our practice areas. Experts in other fields that bear on our practice, such as immigration, forensics, mental health, and racial justice often present to our staff. Each February, we host a series of trainings for African American History Month.
Entry level attorneys receive intensive training at the beginning of their employment. They also receive bimonthly continuing training on topics of interest to misdemeanor attorneys. Training includes the following:

  • Basics of criminal law and misdemeanor practice

  • Common motions

  • Voir dire

  • Opening and closing statements

  • Direct and cross examinations

  • Trial strategy

  • Interacting with clients and witnesses

  • Case management

  • Interlocutory appeals

CCPD provides membership in the California Public Defender Association (“CPDA”) to all its attorneys, who frequently participate in CPDA seminars, both as attendees and presenters. CCPD attorneys receive an annual stipend which can be used to pay for educational materials and professional seminars hosted by CPDA, California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, and other MCLE providers.
Finally, CCPD offers a mentoring program for attorneys and law clerks. Each new attorney and law clerk is assigned an experienced attorney mentor. The mentor is available to consult about general procedures and specific cases, to answer questions and to give advice. Law clerks’ mentors also ensure opportunities to observe court proceedings, visit the jail, and obtain professional development advice.

Attorneys training in a conference room.

© Contra Costa County Public Defenders Office. All rights reserved.

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